What are we doing?
2021 has been quite a year so far for MCDC and that is not counting the impact of the COVID pandemic on our community. We have completed 3 major projects that provide really tangible benefits for the Morvern community. All three projects were delivered on time and on budget by the board of volunteer directors and our Project Officer. Many years of planning and consultation finally came to fruition and despite COVID19 adding many challenges to construction. Please read about the projects under Current Projects – Barr Hydro, Housing and Community Business Hub.
MCDC would like to thank all our funders and volunteers for all the help an support with these projects:
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Rural Housing Fund
Morvern Community Trust
SSE Sustainable Development Fund
Regeneration Capital Grant Fund
Triodos Bank
Local Energy Scotland
The Energy Investment Fund
The Hub opened in mid-July 2021 with its first tenant taking a lease of the Hub café. CAFE LA is run by Annemie and her team.
After more than five years in the planning and construction two directors of MCDC and our energy subsidiary MorVolts watched anxiously as 16 experts inspected and commissioned our Barr Hydro Scheme
In 1998 the old fuel tanks above the High Street in Lochaline were condem
Tenants moved into all three houses in early July. West Property Ltd, based in Oban, is contracted to manage the houses in accordance with MCDC’s allocation criteria.