Urram are delighted to be the new owners of the Eco Wheels Nissan Leaf.

Urram are delighted to be the new owners of the Eco Wheels Nissan Leaf. 

The car has re branded and will now be located back in Lochaline. Urram will be using the car to support the hospital transport and the befriending services. We are still working out all of the  logistics of car collection and cleaning etc, but when we have a good system we will add this car to the Urram car club, so local residents will be able to make use of the car, when it is not in use. The car club is proving a popular option in Strontian, and we have recently extended it to Acharacle. You can find out more about the car club on our website—https://urram.scot/ 

Urram services of transport and befriending are only possible through willing volunteers- and we are very grateful to our current team of volunteers. However, we are seeing a continued increase in referrals for befriending, and requests for journeys- which indicate to us that the services are really valued by our communities. This means that we are always in need of more volunteers who can offer a small amount of time to be part of these life line services. Perhaps you like to drive, and would be willing to help with the transport service. Maybe you make an excellent cup of tea and enjoy talking to others- then volunteering as a befriender or helping at the tea and chat or community lunches might be a good fit. 

We always appreciate whatever time you can give, whether it’s a monthly transport journey locally or a short regular commitment as a befriender. The volunteering role is really flexible and can be designed around your commitments. Lots of people doing a little bit really does make a difference- so please do consider if you could be involved!

If you would like more information, or to chat with a service coordinator then either email or phone on the details below.

Email – info@urram.scot

Phone – 01967 750 060

Urram are pleased to be introducing a new Support in the Right Direction service

The aims of the service is to develop an information hub in each of the communities  on the peninsulas which shares information about support services that are available. The project is designed to support people to access these services, which can be achieved in one to one sessions or group information sessions. 

Alongside the information sharing and individual support, Urram are building a data base of people, who are able to provide domestic and personal care service locally. As we gather this information we hope that individuals in our communities will have more choice and control over the Self-Directed Support option they want to choose. In particular, it should enable individuals to consider Option 1(Direct Payments) as a real choice.

If you need help in accessing support services, or are interested in supporting members of your community to live at home then please contact Tracy by; 

Emailing – tracy.cameron@urram.scot

Phone 01967 750063


Submitted by mcdc-editor on Wed, 09/04/2024 - 16:45